Age Calculator
Calculate your exact age and important life milestones
Birth Date
Current Date
Additional Information
Zodiac Sign
Your zodiac sign is -
Chinese Zodiac
Your Chinese zodiac is -
Day Born
You were born on a -
Season Born
You were born in -
Fun Facts About Your Age
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Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions about the Age Calculator
The Age Calculator works by:
- Taking your birth date (day, month, and year)
- Comparing it with the current date or a selected date
- Calculating the exact difference in:
- Years, months, and days
- Total months, weeks, and days
- Hours, minutes, and other units
It also calculates various milestones and provides additional information about your birth date.
The calculator offers three different modes:
- Basic Age: Simple calculation of years, months, and days
- Detailed Age: Comprehensive breakdown including weeks, hours, and minutes
- Milestones: Tracks important age-based life events and achievements
This allows you to choose the level of detail you need for your specific purpose.
The Age Calculator is highly accurate and considers:
- Leap years
- Different month lengths
- Time zones (when using current date)
The calculation provides precise results down to the day, making it suitable for both casual use and official purposes.
Note: When using the current date option, the calculation updates in real-time.
Along with basic age calculation, you get:
- Zodiac sign determination
- Chinese zodiac calculation
- Day of the week you were born
- Season of birth
- Upcoming age milestones
- Life statistics in various units
- Customizable milestone tracking
Use these features to get interesting insights about your birth date!
Yes! The calculator allows you to:
- Enter any birth date
- Enter any end date (not just today's date)
- Calculate the exact duration between these dates
This is useful for:
- Historical age calculations
- Future age predictions
- Contract or document durations
The end date must be later than the start date.
There are multiple ways to save and share your results:
- Download as PDF: Get a detailed report with all calculations
- Social Media Sharing: Share directly to Facebook or Twitter
- Print Option: Print a physical copy of your results
- Text Format: Copy results as formatted text
The PDF download includes all statistical data and milestone information!
Life milestones are significant age-based events:
- Legal age milestones (18, 21 years)
- Decade markers (30, 40, 50 years)
- Retirement age
- Custom milestones you add
The calculator:
- Shows achieved milestones
- Calculates time to upcoming milestones
- Allows adding personal milestones
You can customize and track your own significant ages!
No, your privacy is important to us:
- All calculations are performed locally in your browser
- No personal data is stored on any servers
- Information is cleared when you close the calculator
- Sharing is entirely optional and under your control
We recommend not sharing sensitive personal information publicly.