
Grade Calculator

Calculate your grades and track your academic performance

Assignment Grade (%) Weight (%)
Total Weight: 0%
0% -

Grade Scale Reference

A 90-100% 4.0
A- 87-89% 3.7
B+ 83-86% 3.3

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Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions about the Grade Calculator

How does the weighted grade calculator work?

The weighted grade calculator works by:

  1. Multiplying each grade by its weight percentage
  2. Adding all these weighted grades together
  3. Dividing by the total weight

For example:

  • Quiz (80%) with 30% weight = 24 points
  • Project (90%) with 70% weight = 63 points
  • Final weighted grade = 87%
How do I calculate what grade I need on my final?

To calculate your required final grade:

  1. Enter your current grade in the course
  2. Input the weight of the final exam
  3. Enter your desired final course grade

The calculator will show what grade you need on the final to achieve your desired course grade.

Note: If the required grade is over 100%, it means your desired grade is not achievable.

What's the difference between GPA and letter grades?

Here's the standard conversion scale:

  • A (93-100%) = 4.0 GPA
  • A- (90-92%) = 3.7 GPA
  • B+ (87-89%) = 3.3 GPA
  • B (83-86%) = 3.0 GPA
  • B- (80-82%) = 2.7 GPA
  • C+ (77-79%) = 2.3 GPA
  • C (73-76%) = 2.0 GPA

Note: This scale may vary by institution.

How do I determine assignment weights if not provided?

When weights aren't provided, you can:

  1. Check your course syllabus for grading breakdowns
  2. Divide 100% by the number of assignments if all are equal weight
  3. Assign weights based on the assignment's point value relative to total points

Example for point-based weighting:

Assignment Weight = (Assignment Points ÷ Total Course Points) × 100
Why isn't my total weight adding up to 100%?

Common reasons for weight discrepancies:

  • Missing assignments not yet entered
  • Rounding errors in individual weights
  • Incorrect weight distribution

All weights should total exactly 100% for accurate grade calculation.

Use the running total displayed above the calculate button to verify your weights.

How can I calculate my semester GPA?

To calculate semester GPA:

  1. Enter each course's credit hours
  2. Select the letter grade earned
  3. The calculator will:
    • Multiply each course's credits by grade points
    • Add all these products together
    • Divide by total credit hours

Tip: Don't include courses taken Pass/Fail in GPA calculations.

Can I save my grade calculations?

While the calculator doesn't store data permanently, you can:

  • Screenshot your calculations
  • Print the page using browser's print function
  • Keep track in a separate spreadsheet

For privacy reasons, all calculations are cleared when you refresh the page.